简介: The PUPPET MASTER series finally concludes with its seventh, and straight-to-video, sequel THE LEGACY. Comprised mostly of clips from the previous features, the film centers around Eric Weiss (Jacob Witkin) the little boy saved by toymaker Andre Toulon in PUPPET MASTER 3. Now a grown man in pursuit of Toulon's secret for animating objects, Weiss relates the puppets' history--through flashbacks and archival footage from the first six sequels--to a woman named Maclain (Kate Orsini), unaware that the mysterious beauty is really an assassin out to destroy the puppet master's legac 武进电影网观看超清大片包罗在线观看迅雷下载电影、综艺、动漫、电视剧、演员表、节目预告,我们致力为所有动漫迷们提供最好看的动漫,又名影片、影视大全综艺漫画等视频等新4k电影888电影网。整理了明星资料,演员角色,影视资讯八卦,榜单等完整版无删在线观看武进电影网,最全高清免费下载在线电影、电视剧