简介: TV MX, the most powerful Mexican Television Corporation, discloses a scandalous story involving Governor Carmelo Vargas in serious crimes and illicit business. Governor Vargas worried about his political future, decides to clean his image and negotiates a billionaire secret agreement with the owners of the TV Corporation. Carlos Rojo, an ambitious young news producer, and Ricardo Diaz, TV network star reporter, are responsible for making a dirty campaign to change the image the public has of the corrupt Governor and make him, at any cost, a political star and a great presidential candidate. Mexican Television believes that democracy is a farce and has already placed one President... Will they do it again 92电影网免费在线观看高清完正版我们致力为所有影视迷们提供最新最好看的影视作品。小小影视手机在线高清观看,数万部又名无需注册打开即可观看。电影完整版在线观看阳光电影。超清热播大剧手机在线观看影视全集手机免费播放92电影网,我们致力为所有影视迷们提供最新最好看的影视作品。南瓜影院本站是国内领先的在线视频网站,