类型: / 地区:泰国 / 年份:2022
主演:皮拉瓦·山坡提拉 帕查特·詹金 阿塔潘·彭萨瓦 莎楠查娜·阿芘莎麦蒙空
简介: It is a story of a mistress who comes back for h It is a story of a mistress who comes back for her revenge after enduring all kinds of mistreats from her husband's wedded wife. The resentment between two love rivals is passed on to their descents and grows into a war between two bloodlines. Onnapa is a mistress of a millionaire who owns the biggest flower business in the country. She has endured all kinds of mistreats by her husband's lawful life, Kannika, for years. When their husband dies, Kannika kicked Onnapa out of their home. Onnapa is enraged by the injustice and furious at Kannika. Although more than 30 years have passed, the resentment in Onnapa's heart has never eased off. Now, it is passed on to her daughter and grandchildren. Along with her daughter - Onsalao and her grandsons - Worakorn and Worawet, Onnapa comes back to take her revenge and reclaim things that should have been hers. Onnapa starts a war with Kannika and her descents including Kannika's daughter - Thantawan, and her grandchildren - Mintra, Nonsee, and Iris. Filled with trickery, deceit, and betrayal, how will this war end? 久久影院全集免费观看电视剧大全,经典动漫推荐,综艺娱乐电视剧完整版电影本站能推荐给大家各类好看的电影作品和精彩的剧情解析,,电视剧完整版电影又名我们会为更加努力!为广大影迷提供内容丰富的。完整版高清在线观看专业的网络电影播放平台。好看的久久影院,是一个用户可根据自己需求选择在线观看影片与迅雷电影下载的免费影院。TVB港剧、韩剧、日剧、美剧、英剧以及国内热播电视剧等嗨吧影视网《花之战》网友评价 万俟汉涂;基本上是从那个时候开始爱上电影的,后来成龙大哥的新警察故事,都是在电视上每放一遍都要再看一遍的电影!三大女神同台开撕,我喜欢!公山景裂;开头就是结尾好评,女主结局差评,所以编剧到底站哪一边?不好意思,所有角色只爱女主和医生东郭瘴溉筒喂;西方人太自我了,尤其是儿童成长期,稍有不足就闹脾气觉得父母亏欠自己,绝不体恤父母困难公伯恃棠瘴;从女主和女配的差别我们可以得出结论,谁更像男的不是扮相决定的,是态度,是性格公门猛拦粘;故事就很离奇,还是我不懂武林…明明在敌人面前不一起联手合作还先分个先后…????一个习武之人居然还打不过一个算命的????内力练出蚕丝这个想象力丰富啊...详情