类型: / 地区:英国 / 年份:2012
导演:Phil Churchward
简介: Everyone has an opinion on bad cars... now it Everyone has an opinion on bad cars... now it's time to hear the ones that really count--ours.. As it's the worst car in the history of the WORLD, we're on our travels ... to the North of England ... to name and shame the most rubbish car from a manufacturer which, frankly, should have known better. But, it's not all about hateful cars ... Oh no. You have to revel in some good ones to appreciate the stinkers. There's the Ferrari 458 spider, Toyota's GT86 and the £340,000 Lexus LFA rubbing shoulders with a Mercedes SLS. Our guest driver, The Stig's Yorkshire cousin, puts his whippet to one side and throws a BMW M5 round a gymkhana course before we have a go in a couple of Transatlantic challengers. Things don't go well. We spend treasured leisure time on the golf course continuing our debate. That doesn't go well either. We even put our own cars--past and present--into the reckoning. That ends badly too. We argue over the great and the awful from Peugeot, Ford, Mahindra, FSO, Alfa Romeo, Rolls Royce, Porsche, Citroen, Saab ... and many more. And we have a special, surprise fate in store for the car we pick as our biggest loser... Enjoy... Jeremy Clarkson & James May 看片网各类电视剧整合多个资源站最新电影,飘零影院超全的影视大全,在线播放超清又名最新电影免费高清在线观看观看震撼人心的科幻片免费解锁vip影视作品。涵盖超清视频在线放映是一个更新更全更受欢迎的影视网站。看片网,最令人心动完整版高清在线观看内容丰富的《破车嘉年华》网友评价 公门糠禄巴;电视剧的感觉,好像80年代看香港警匪剧Rory;梦境里的艺璃和三个男人似乎连在一起像是一个人,父亲的瘫痪甚至语言能力的丧失给予了这些年轻人对自身归属的惶恐同时也有着天真烂漫的自由Prunella;Sandy年轻的时候soooo beautiful!公孙倥攀扇;公允地看太后并没做错什么,笑容少了点但要求的都是正大的道理,皇帝也好,就是茜茜令人反感西门肿汗;直说了吧,简单归结为Rebecca是精神病不好玩,如果塑造成双女主都是psyco更暗黑一点,一个显性,一个隐性,剧中的Sara是那个隐性的,而且她其实是Emily,Sara是其双胞胎妹妹,她杀了真正的Sara之后,变成了妹妹,为的是拥有一个升入天堂完美无缺的“姐姐”!Rebecca是那种挡枪的psyco,折腾半天只是为了将大家的注意力集中到她一个人身上...详情