类型: / 地区:其它 / 年份:2018
导演:Byron Davis
主演:Bouwer Bosch Leandie du Randt Luan Jacobs Drikus Volschenk
简介:Emma le Roux just wants to go home for the holidayEmma le Roux just wants to go home for the holidays. Gentle, beautiful, pacifist Emma. She's made the trip to her father's farm a thousand times. Piece of cake. But not today. Today she will cross paths with Bosman and Baz and Jay. And Boela and AJ and Piet. Bosman is the mastermind of the drug syndicate. A violent psychopath. Baz and Jay are his henchmen - violent dogs on a short leash. AJ and Boela, spoiled brats looking for validation, are on board to make a quick buck in the criminal underworld. And then there's Piet, the weakling, who is willing to do just about anything for his cousin Bosman. Emma witnesses the murder of a policeman at their hands. And they see her seeing them. Now they're hunting her down like an animal. She's easy prey, after all - it'll all be over soon. The problem is, Emma is the daughter of Jacques le Roux. And Jacques le Roux was a Special Forces soldier. The hunt isn't going according to plan. Everything starts falling apart, and fast. At first they were... 久久影院是一个不可多得的综合影视网站。完整版无删在线观看最完整的感谢大家的青睐。,高清完整又名80s电影网精彩的视频最全。最新热播电视剧高清无码免费播放观看超清大片久久影院,汇聚全网视频在线播放。免费电影、电视剧在线观看无需注册打开即可观看。《猎杀艾玛》网友评价 公门堂姓;美国人要对珍珠港事件梗多久啊?公户氛云;根据真实故事改编的电影,所以说生活就是创作的源泉,故事比较好,为了自我保护的相互说谎,且看谁更高明,不过电影拍摄方式和叙述,没有重点激化矛盾,张力不够,流于故事情节,表达的重点也就淡化了,最后那些人都死了,政客受法律制裁,但凡这类型电影不正是要负责掰正观看者三观么,影片强调了一个脚上绑石头被扔进河里死掉的杀人方式,又说会浮上来,死于河里的环境运动家,这应该就是双方的一个矛盾点,这个碍于利益被杀死的运动家应该和顺泰有关系,但看顺泰的表现,两者感情并不深,也就不像是复仇,顺泰在决定拿钱之后还是把文件发送出去,为后边发现Wilbur;科学也好,真理也罢,凡掌握在少数人手里,凡触及诸多利益,都异常坎坷,但总有那热忱与执着之人,推动这个世界的前进...详情