类型: / 地区:英国 / 年份:2007
导演:Louise Osmond
主演:Joe Simpson
简介: Based on the bestselling book of the same name, Based on the bestselling book of the same name, The Beckoning Silence follows mountain climber Joe Simpson as he takes on one of toughest challenges of his career. Fresh from his horrific ordeal in the Peruvian Andes--as recounted in the Oscar-winning documentary "Touching The Void"--Simpson attempts to ascend the treacherous North Face of the Eiger, a mountain that has claimed the lives of more than 60 people. Faced with growing anxiety and doubt, Simpson pushes onward and upward in his unyielding quest to traverse some of the world's most inhospitable terrain. The Beckoning Silence is a powerful testament to the endurance of the human spirit in extreme conditions 谍战迷6号电影网1905电影网当下高口碑高评分的全网影视,2345影视大全又名完整版高清在线播放在线视频为影视迷分享最新影视综艺等资讯,。全网热门影视一网打尽。分享热片好剧观看指南。高清在线观看谍战迷,全集高清正版视频在线观看2022年院线电影汇总多多影院《寂静的召唤》网友评价 吴铭囱持;我特意在APP里把魔戒2的缓存给下好了 准备在火车途中看 结果被深深的欺骗了 看了20分钟我都不敢相信居然顶着同一个名字却是这么个丁日玩意儿 咬着牙看完了 气的不行 有种那个科幻迷看了高腐BL文的感觉QAQ万俟矩勘狄;本想给五星的,最后父亲生日去上坟,居然带去了当年的梨,前面貌似生日的时候是开花的时候吧?而且还有满树梨花应征,说是忌日应该更妥帖吧,导演太随意了啦Lolita;华语电影的“传统”,就是它要挑战的东西...详情