类型: / 地区:印度 / 年份:2019
导演:Aijaz Khan
主演:Talha Arshad Reshi 拉塞卡·杜加尔
简介:Hamid’s (8) father has gone missing. His mother IsHamid’s (8) father has gone missing. His mother Ishrat has turned indifferent towards Hamid and the entire world after the incident. Neglected and lonely, with a heart searching for answers, Hamid star gazes in the hope of meeting his father. The number 786 always bewildered Hamid. One day a teacher tells Hamid that this is God’s number. Using his father’s old mobile phone, after trying different combinations, he finally manages to connect to a person, who he is convinced is God. On the other side is Abhay, a hard-knuckled CRPF Jawaan. Hamid’s phone call, though surprising at first, intrigues Abhay who engages in humouring Hamid. These two, unknowingly and unintentionally, change each other’s world for the better. 极速影院囊括是一个更新更全更受欢迎的影视网站。推出拥有最全的影视动漫综艺大全,高清免费下载又名该网站全新电视剧、全新动漫、全新综艺节目百果影院。适合周末宅在家看的高分电影网站。更受欢迎的最权威极速影院,最动人的无广告在线观看播放的视频网站,小狐影院《安拉的电话》网友评价 公坚浩猩;其中爸爸和女儿的戏非常感人,导演一定有一个好女儿夏侯栋;不再和偷鸡蛋的人来往,把自家鸡窝门修得更牢固一些,继续在自己的小世界里自力更生自娱自乐,别人发财不羡慕,别人受苦不幸灾乐祸,陪有伤口有故事的人聊聊天看看电影,一起渡过谁都会难受的那道坎,做一个心软的有良知有爱心有追求的精神充实丰满的人Prudent;我的天哪,当年真的是疯狂追这部动画片的系列,甚至买碟片,疯了疯了,我姐和我弟也在我的带领下疯狂追哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,主要是太神奇魔幻又童话美好了...详情